Posts by me
PAL Mega Drive Modding
- Nov 18, 2023
The SEGA Mega Drive needs no introduction. This post documents my attempt at building my own mod for my unit, and what I got to learn along the way. If you know about TV signal format differences, and the NTSC 60 Hz vs PAL 50 Hz debacle, you can skip this initial section safely.
String tables in flash memory on Arduino
- Aug 30, 2019
tl;dr: In this post, we touch briefly on how saving dynamic memory on Arduino by storing data on flash memory is nice, but how it can get cumbersome quickly for a larger project. And then present a solution for doing all of that automatically.
The Hydrus Project wins Intel’s Embedded Systems Competition
- Jan 20, 2017
After many months of hard work and dedication, our team accomplished its ultimate goal, and we won the competition!
Hydrus Project Update
- Oct 11, 2016
(This should have been published months ago but I was so busy with the project itself I kinda forgot it was aon the drafts)
dw Engine Update Two
- Mar 17, 2016
dw Engine is my project on QML-based game facilities that extend Qt to form a 2D Game Engine for desktop and mobile. I have been taking my sweet time bringing the engine to higher standards of ease of usage and performance and I would like to share some of it and some thoughts on Qt performance and suitability for such a project.
Microcontroller and Instrumentation Experiments
- Jan 02, 2016
Holidays are still going strong here in Rio. But I guess as a result of some subconscious new year resolutions, it is finally time to clear up the publishing queue a little bit. Blogging has been slow because things have been moving past me alarmingly fast. From the top of my mind, the first thing that comes up is that I presented a paper at SBESC 2015 in Foz do Iguaçú (link to it when the proceedings are out). A huge shout-out to my teacher and mentor Giovani Gracioli is in order: every single meetup or thing we do together is a lesson. Thank you so much.
TampereGotchi on GitHub
- Nov 13, 2015
It’s about time! After almost a year past the project completion at the University of Tampere, the source code was left bitrotting in my (and my colleague’s) hard drives. Since then I remembered countless times that I had to upload and blog about it and fix a couple things on it but never had the time. Hopefully it’s not too late.
Back to Brazil: LISHA and other tidbits
- Oct 10, 2015
Exchange period is finally over. Truth be told, it has been over for almost two months! But it feels like only now I have got my bearings back again. It is not easy leaving Finland, what an awesome country! Just as I was doing before leaving more than a year ago, I am back at work at LISHA, the Hardware and Software Integration Laboratory at Santa Catarina Federal University (UFSC), whilst working on graduating as a Mechatronics engineer. Under the supervision of Dr. Prof. Giovani Gracioli, my current filed of research are resource synchronization protocols for mutiprocessor real-time operating systems (RTOSs), or more specifically, EPOS.
Projective Game Platform for Public Spaces
- Jun 01, 2015
Hello everyone! 🙂 My second and final semester at the University of Tampere has just come to an end. I am very thankful for being invited to this great instituition. The ambiance and facilities are just as excellent as the staff and quality of teaching. This post is about my project for the Human-Technology Interaction Project course at the School of Information Sciences.
- May 10, 2015
Today is a very important day for me. I am finally releasing to the wild my first open source library! neiasound
is an OpenAL wrapper for Qt-style applications, ready to be integrated into an engine’s main loop. Doing positional audio is stupidly easy with it. It also includes facilities for reading wav and ogg files, and optionally supports libsndfile, for reading flac and many more formats. It is also easy to implement your own audio stream decoder interface. There is support for streaming dynamic playlists with intros and seamless looping.
Maker Faire UK
- Apr 30, 2015
Well, it has been a while. This semester has been quite busy and there is still a lot of stuff to be done. Also I got confirmation that I’ll have an internship for the summer at Demola. So… More work for me. Fantastic, really!
Smart Crane Monitoring App and Real Sense for Mobile Devices
- Feb 19, 2015
One final presentation at Konecranes HQ in Hyvinkää, marked the end of the SCMA project with Konecranes. It was a
pleasure to work with the company, and special thanks go to our awesome Demola
facilitator, Ville Korpiluoto. Cheers!
dw Engine Update One
- Feb 02, 2015
We have Fire Shield! Normal shield! Bridges! Running on water! Rain! Particle effects! Cool stuff! Basically, The engine is ready for it’s inevitable one/two zone demo. The first video is a bit older, and sucks for being offscreen. Linux version. The other is more recent, from the android build. The capture is choppy though, so you’ll have to take my word for it when I say the framerate is good.
Smart Crane Monitoring App Update
- Jan 05, 2015
This is another blog post reporting project progress. On the 18th of December we had a review meeting with KONECRANES. We revised the use cases and set the final goals for implementation. During the holidays it was a bit difficult to work, given the atmosphere and constant distractions. I’m glad I still got to enjoy Christmas and New Year’s in Tampere. Ultimately, work got done finishing the UI.
Smart Crane Monitoring App
- Dec 12, 2014
Hello everyone! This is an update on the Smart Crane Monitoring App project at Demola Tampere.